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This Sucks™

This Sucks™

This Sucks™

This Sucks™ is a super-carbon-negative brand, sucking as much as 90 times more CO2 out of the atmosphere than the manufacturing and distribution of our products emit! We do this by reinvesting 75% of our profits into carbon capture projects dedicated to reforesting, and reinvigorating the Earth. Let’s take This Coffee Sucks™ as an example. For every kilo sold, we purchase 627kg of carbon offsets. Enough to neutralise the roughly 7kg carbon footprint of growing, roasting, and transporting our coffee, with 620kg extra for good measure! That works out to 13kg of CO2 sucked for every coffee made with This Coffee Sucks™. To put that impact into perspective, the average Australian emits roughly 39kg of CO2 per day. So, a third of your daily emissions are sucked back over a cup. Three a day mig